Wednesday Night Live

Wednesday Night Live

All ages are invited to join us for our mid-week programming!
Our next dinner will be on March 5 (pizza and salad). Be sure to register by March 3 if you plan to attend.

Program Details

Childcare (birth - two year olds) | 5:30 - 7:15 pm
Our childcare workers delight in showering your children with loving care and attention. Please enter Building A through the Marshall street doors, where you will check-in your child. A childcare worker will take your child to his/her room. Return to the same place to check your children back out and pick them up.

Mustard Seeds (three - five year olds) | 5:50 - 7:15 pm
Preschoolers sing worship songs, memorize Scripture, and have fun learning about Jesus’ love. Please enter Building A through the Marshall street doors, where you will check-in your child. Return to the same place to check your children back out and pick them up.

Mountaintop (K-5) Kids | 5:50 - 7:15 pm*
Elementary-age kids can pick one of two tracks, depending on their interests and unique learning styles.

Choir Track: Children will attend children’s choir rehearsal and then join the kids from the service track for community building and a Bible lesson. Choir track begins in room A-319.

Service Track: Children will learn about our missional partners and do hands-on projects. Afterward, they will join the kids from the choir track for community building and a Bible lesson. Service track begins in room A-308.

*At 6:30, both groups combine in room A-307 for a Bible lesson and fun! After their Bible lesson they will then split into smaller, grade-specific groups. Children can be picked up from rooms A-307 (3rd-5th grade) and A-308 (K-2nd grade) at 7:15 pm. 

Middle School Connect
6:00 - 7:15 pm | Room B-100
Students gather in B-100 for high energy games, worship, and interactive study of Scripture. Get ready for a wild night of learning to love Jesus.

Youth Ringers
5:30 - 6:15 pm | Room A-105
Handbell ringing ensemble for middle and high school students. Contact Susan Orgain for more information.

Book Discussion: Prayer in the Night by Tish Harrison Warren 
6:00-7:15 | Room A-211
This book explores themes of human vulnerability, suffering, and God's seeming absence. 

Though this group has begun meeting, you are still welcome to join our book discussion. You may purchase your own book, or reach out to Amy Carlan for a free copy. Each week we will discuss certain chapters, and then pray “compline” together:

  • Jan 8 - Introduction 
  • Jan 15 - Chapters 1-2
  • Jan 22 - Chapters 3-5
  • Jan 29 - no group
  • Feb 5 - Chapters 6-7
  • Feb 12 - Chapters 8-9
  • Feb 19 - Chapters 10-11
  • Feb 26 - Chapters 12-13

Contact Amy Carlan with questions.

Small Groups
Wednesday evenings are a time when some of our deeper commitment groups meet. If you’d like more information about small groups, please contact Amy Carlan.

Sanctuary Choir
6:30-8:00 | Sanctuary
More voices are always welcome! No registration required. Contact Michael Dodds for more information.

Wednesday Night Dinner
March 5 (Ash Wednesday) Pizza, Salad
Advance registration is required. registration will open a couple of weeks ahead.