
All Church Retreat Vector

September 20-22, 2024
Montreat, NC
Registration Now Open

What is retreat (and why we want YOU to come!)
The purpose of the All-Church Retreat (ACR) is to provide us with an opportunity to step away from our regular routines so that we may connect more deeply with the Lord and each other. It’s an event like none other! You’ll get to worship, learn, rest, play, and engage with all ages in our church community. If, after reading the information below, you have more questions, we are happy to share all the nitty gritty! Reach out to Amy Carlan or Michelle Collins.

Retreat speakers: Rev. Tim and Rev. Kendra Norton
Tim is the Lead Pastor at Indian River Presbyterian Church. Kendra is the Student and Ordination Advisor for ECO, our denomination. Tim and Kendra are no strangers to First Presbyterian Church. Tim was our Associate Pastor of Missions before they moved to Florida, and Kendra was our Pastoral Resident. They have three children and live in Fort Pierce, Florida. Most important of all, they love and follow Jesus and their heart’s desire is that we are encouraged to do the same.  

Adults and kids fifth grade and under will stay in Assembly Inn. Middle and High School students will stay in Winsborough Lodge, just across Lake Susan from Assembly Inn. Four meals will be provided for everyone by Assembly Inn’s Dining Hall, and we’ll have a spread of snacks for consumption anytime during the day. For more details on both lodges, visit Montreat Accommodations.

What’s the retreat like for parents?

Infant through Preschool One of the unique aspects of the ACR is that parents of little ones get to spend time with their kids, but also get time to learn and grow. We take a crew of childcare workers with us – awesome caretakers that your kids already know from Sundays – and during our four large group sessions, your kids get to hang out with them and learn about Jesus, while you learn in large group. Not only that, these caretakers will be hallway monitors on Friday and Saturday if you want to stay up late to chat with other adults. Trust us – this is amazing, and we are happy to connect you to other parents who will verify this awesomeness.

Elementary Kids adore the retreat! They get to play and learn about Jesus with our elementary leaders while their parents are in small group. We are happy to connect you to elementary kids who will gush about retreat (we are talking about CORE memories!)

Middle and High School students will stay in their own lodge together, not far from Assembly Inn where parents stay. They are welcome to come on their own, even if their parents do not come on the retreat. The middle school students will join us for the beginning of the large group sessions for worship and testimonies, but have their own speaker. The high school students will join the adults for large group session the entire time. 

We believe the retreat is a one-of-a-kind way to connect to the Lord and community and we want everyone to go! This is why we significantly supplement the actual cost of the retreat in an effort to make it affordable for everyone. If you are able to afford paying more, closer to the actual cost ($300 per person), that will help us continue to offer the retreat at a great price for people and to offer scholarships. On the other hand, if the costs outlined below are too much for you, we still want you to come! Please contact Amy Carlan for information on scholarships. 

Retreat cost to covenant partners:

  • Adults $150
  • Students $100
  • Elementary/Preschoolers $100
  • Household max $450 (please note this is not a family max, but household max)
Day Apart Retreat Fall Logo

Day Apart Retreat
November 9, 2024
9 am - 4 pm
Starrette Farm Retreat
Statesville, NC
Registration Opens August 7

A Day Apart is an invitation into the guided practices of prayer, silence, and meditation in order to experience and be formed by God’s love in Jesus Christ through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Scripture and prayer guides will be provided though individuals may also choose to spend the day as they like.

This fall, the retreat will be held at Starrette Farm Retreat in Statesville, a place of natural beauty with features such as a labyrinth, pond, and walking paths. Cost: $25 (includes lunch).

Womens Retreat Logo Vector

Mark your calendars for the 2025 Women's Retreat!
January 31 - February 2