Southern California Wildfires | While we continue to seek ways to help our neighbors in western North Carolina, we are mindful of the severe impact of the wildfires in Southern California. The ECO Southern California and ECO Mission presbyteries have established a fund for those who would like to make financial contributions. Click here to read a message from these two presbyteries and to make a donation.

Black Mountain/Swannanoa Relief | Members of Black Mountain Presbyterian Church are reaching out to families in Black Mountain and Swannanoa whose homes have been damaged and to those whose homes have been destroyed and are currently living in tents. They have put together an Amazon Wish List of most needed items. Click this link to order items which will be shipped directly to the church.

Samaritan’s Purse | Samaritan's Purse is a non-profit organization equipped to respond immediately to disasters in the United States and around the world. They have set up five centers around the southeast to begin meeting humanitarian need, two of which are in North Carolina. To make a donation or to learn about opportunities to serve, visit Samaritan's Purse.

FPC Disaster Relief Fund | Our denomination, ECO, partners with World Renew when it comes to long-term recovery from disaster. If you would like to contribute to long-term funding, you may give directly to FPC and we will send World Renew these funds together. Any amount you give is tax-deductible. You may use this link to give: FPC Disaster Relief or write a check to FPC and note “Disaster Relief.”