March 21-22, 2025
The Lord has an inspiring weekend for us at Laurel Ridge Conference Center... twenty-four hours – or more – for men of all ages to draw closer to God, meet new friends, and hang with old ones.
While First Presbyterian Church is sponsoring this retreat, all are welcome. We encourage you to invite friends and family to join you for rest, adventure, fellowship, and probably some craziness.
$80 first-timers, age 30 and under or 75 and over
$109 double room per person
$130 single room per person
Scholarships available. Contact Chuck Hobbs.
Griff is currently establishing a Christian Study Center at Wake Forest University. The study center will be a hub for Christian life and formation at Wake Forest. It will hold together hospitality, faith, art, and living into the truth with the goal of forming Christians who understand their work in the world as essential to God’s Mission in the world.
Originally from Americus, GA, Griff graduated from Wake Forest University in 1999 with a degree in English. While at Wake, he worshipped at FPC and served as an intern in our college ministry.
After Wake, Griff received a Certificate in Christian Studies from Regent College at the University of British Columbia and a Master of Divinity from Duke Divinity School.
He has taught high school English, worked in the field of affordable housing, and served as a Presbyterian pastor. He is passionate about hospitality, Christian discipleship, and creating beautiful places and spaces.
Griff and his wife, Elizabeth, live in Winston Salem and have four children.

Laurel Ridge Conference Center – a little over an hour from Winston-Salem in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina.
The Men’s Retreat is a time to hear from the Lord - about His love for us as sons. Though our lives may not feel like it at times, we are on an epic adventure with The One who made us. Please make plans to join us and we promise it will be a time that will encourage you greatly - and possibly change your life! It’s so worth it, and again, it’s only twenty-four hours away from home. See you all at Laurel Ridge!
During registration you can indicate interest in playing golf on Friday afternoon before the retreat begins. There are rumors this annual tradition will find its way to an ESPN feature show.
Some men have expressed interest in helping Laurel Ridge in its recovery from Hurricane Helene. The conference center where we stay and meet is in fine shape, but Laurel Ridge also operates a summer camp which received significant damage from the storm. You can indicate an interest in joining a work crew that might do a variety of tasks on either Friday afternoon or Saturday evening at the conclusion of the retreat. Details to be worked out with participants.
Ways to Connect (weekly)
Tuesdays | 6:45AM | B-100
- Winter/Spring 2025 Study (ongoing)
Topic: Paul’s Prison Letters and Pastoral Letters - Light breakfast provided
- Contact Chuck Hobbs for more information
Thursdays | 7:00PM | B-100
- Winter/Spring 2025 Study (ongoing)
- Topic: Book of Romans
Fridays | 6:45AM
- Year-round
- Meeting at Home of Scott Wray
- Contact Alex Hudson for address
- Topic: Book of Romans
- Coffee, fellowship, study, and prayer
Sports and Other Fun Stuff
Enjoy fellowship with other men, develop Godly friendships, and find some downtime just being one of the guys.
Softball - Paul Meyer
Hiking - Dawson Nesbitt
Fishing - Steve Harris
Bicycling - Dave Meyer
(Mostly) Senior Golfing - Dawson Nesbitt
F3 (workout groups for men; go to f3nation.com for more info)
Don’t see your thing? Let’s start one… contact Chuck Hobbs.
Serve in Men's Ministry
Want to get involved and volunteer in Men's/Adult Ministry? We can't wait to Serve with you!
Click the link below to see our current volunteer needs. Once you fill out the form, a staff member will get back to you.
Men's Ministry Goals
Grow men in their relationship with Christ
Encourage men to embrace their unique call in service to God
Build community (and communities) among men
Invite and include men not actively walking with Christ and not members of First Presbyterian – win men for Christ
Provide entry points for men that help reach other goals
Provide opportunities to model man-of-Christ living
There are opportunities for men of all ages to engage in a variety of settings in order to know, experience, and act on the love and power of Christ. Our events are open to all men and are often comprised of men from other churches and denominations, drawn together by Christ, and the desire to know Him better.
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27.17