Men’s Ministry

Welcome to First Pres Home Ways to Connect (weekly) NEW! THURSDAY NIGHT STUDY FOR FALL 2024! Begins September 5 | 7PM First Presbyterian B Building Topic to be determined. Contact David Robertson for more information. Tu...

Connect and Relate

Welcome to First Pres Home Improve the ways we connect and relate a. Make relationships an organizing principle of our church’s ministry.b. Examine our current approach to creating and building community and take steps to develop new initiatives that will re...

Parking at First Pres

[…] week who do not have a parking sticker can obtain a temporary parking pass from the church office.  Ongoing programs, such as The MomCo or Women’s Bible Study, provide each participant a parking pass to display on their car dash. We Have Three D...

Discipleship & Engagement

[…] on developing a plan for adult discipleship.  A discipleship philosophy was created and “building blocks” of discipleship were produced. Study material has been printed and disseminated. An

New Covenant Partner

[…] take the next step in becoming a covenant partner (member).If you’ve been visiting First Pres and feel God’s leading to make this your spiritual home, we’d love for you take the next step and explore becoming a covenant partner (member). This...

Memorial Garden & Columbarium

Welcome to First Pres Home The Memorial Garden And Columbarium Offers A Peaceful Place In Memory Of Loved Ones For Covenant Partners and their families who choose cremation Fulfilling the Church’s responsibility to help provide space

New Worshipping Communities

[…] Tim Norton continue to work with others in our denomination on various church multiplication strategies. The next step is to form a discernment and study team to examine


[…] them for the tasks within the church and for their mission in the world. Deacon Ministry & gifts: Commitment to Christ, sympathy, witness, and service after the example...

Donation of Securities

[…] Avoidance of capital gains taxes Tax deduction based on current market value Gifts of securities provide a less expensive way for you to give than cash. For example, if you paid $1,000

Maximize Buildings

[…] check-in either in B-100 or in the Worship Center lobby. August 2018 Update Over the past year, we have opened our facility to our downtown neighbors.   Examples include: Magufulika Gospel Talent Show Cook Elementary Graduation JOY International...