We believe that youth ministry thrives at the intersection of community and discipleship, where students are formed together into the likeness of Christ.
A thriving youth ministry is oriented around students’ formation as life-long disciples of Jesus. Over the duration of students’ involvement in the high school ministry, our hope and aim is to equip them to engage deeply in Christian community for the sake of Christian discipleship.
Our youth ministry vision is aligned with broader congregation-wide philosophy of discipleship. Click here to learn more about discipleship at First Pres.
Programming and Events
Weekly Programming

Who is Confirmation Embrace For?
Confirmation Embrace is an extension of Confirmation Explore. Confirmation Explore is offered each spring for any 8th grade student to explore and deepen their understanding of the basics of Christian faith. Confirmation Embrace is for any high school student who is ready to commit their life to Jesus and take the next steps toward embracing this commitment with their life. There is no expectation for a student to take Confirmation Embrace simply because they completed Confirmation Explore. Participation in Confirmation Embrace signifies a big commitment in a student’s life and we encourage each student to prayerfully consider whether they are ready for this step. Each student should only sign up to take Confirmation Embrace when they are ready to make this commitment to follow Jesus with their life.
New Covenant Partner Class
Confirmation Embrace is paired with the New Covenant Partner Class that is open to anyone looking to become a covenant partner at First Pres. This class is four weeks long and is an overview of Christian belief, our Presbyterian denomination, and life at First Pres. The last class consists of meeting with elders of session and being confirmed as a covenant partner within First Pres. There are further instructions for those who have not yet been baptized. Students in Confirmation Embrace are expected to attend each New Covenant Partner Class. The class is co-led by Amy Carlan and Davin Thomsen Tang.
Confirmation Embrace Team Time
In addition to the New Covenant Partner Class, students will meet for lunch after the worship service for Team Time. This Team Time is designed to be fun and interactive. Students will discuss the class content and will dig deeper to discover how to embrace God with their mind, heart, and life.
Confirmation Embrace Weekly Work
– Spiritual Practices – Each week, students will be given a spiritual practice to do each day. The time commitment is approximately 10 minutes daily.
– Reading Assignments – Each week, students will be given a short reading assignment that will help them prepare for the upcoming week. The time commitment is approximately 30 minutes weekly.
– Written Assignments – Each week, students will be given a written assignment that will be turned in the following Sunday. Each Confirmation Embrace Team Time will help the student prepare for the weekly assignment. The time commitment is approximately two hours weekly.

FPC Winston Salem Touchpoint App is now available for Apple and Android!
- Go to the Apple or Android store and search for “FPC Winston Salem” app and download.
- Once on the homepage click the grey person to sign in.
- You will be prompted to then sign in with your email address. IMPORTANT: This needs to match the email we have on file for you!
- Touchpoint will immediately email you a 6 digit verification code. Fill this in on the next screen.
- Click on the person who’s account you’d like to create. (If you already have an account your username will display underneath your name.)
- Create a pin number (this is used for security purposes with online giving)

Stay in Touch | Contact the Youth Staff
Davin Thomsen Tang– Youth Director and High School Director
Amy Hodges – Youth Ministry Administrator