Wednesday Night Live

Wednesday Night Live

All ages are invited to join us for our mid-week programming! Register below.

Program Details

Childcare (birth - two year olds) | 5:30 - 7:15 pm
Our childcare workers delight in showering your children with loving care and attention. Please enter Building A through the Marshall street doors, where you will check-in your child. A childcare worker will take your child to his/her room. Return to the same place to check your children back out and pick them up.

Mustard Seeds (three - five year olds) | 5:50 - 7:15 pm
Preschoolers sing worship songs, memorize Scripture, and have fun learning about Jesus’ love. Please enter Building A through the Marshall street doors, where you will check-in your child. Return to the same place to check your children back out and pick them up.

Mountaintop (K-5) Kids | 5:50 - 7:15 pm*
Elementary-age kids can pick one of two tracks, depending on their interests and unique learning styles.

Choir Track: Children will attend children’s choir rehearsal and then join the kids from the service track for community building and a Bible lesson. Choir track begins in room A-319.

Service Track: Children will learn about our missional partners and do hands-on projects. Afterward, they will join the kids from the choir track for community building and a Bible lesson. Service track begins in room A-308.

*At 6:30, both groups combine in room A-307 for a Bible lesson and fun! After their Bible lesson they will then split into smaller, grade-specific groups. Children can be picked up from rooms A-307 (3rd-5th grade) and A-308 (K-2nd grade) at 7:15 pm. 

Middle School Connect
6:00 - 7:15 pm | Room B-100
Students gather in B-100 for high energy games, worship, and interactive study of Scripture. Get ready for a wild night of learning to love Jesus.

Youth Ringers
5:30 - 6:15 pm | Room A-105
Handbell ringing ensemble for middle and high school students. Contact Susan Orgain for more information.

Small Groups
Wednesday evenings are a time when some of our deeper commitment groups meet. If you’d like more information about small groups, please contact Amy Carlan.

Sanctuary Choir
6:30-8:00 | Sanctuary
More voices are always welcome! No registration required. Contact Michael Dodds for more information.