Welcome to First Presbyterian Church
We’re glad you’re interested in visiting and we’re looking forward to getting to know you!
We would like to connect with you! Get in touch with us by clicking on the Connection Card button below.
Sundays at First Pres
Worship with us on Sundays!
9:30 am | Worship Service in Sanctuary
Equip Sunday School (classes for all ages)
10:30 am | Gather and Connect Time (location varies)
11:00 am | Worship Service in Sanctuary
Children's Church
Select Adult Sunday School Classes

What Should I Expect When I Visit?
- A 60-minute worship service
- A message based on Scripture
- Various styles of music
- Children, youth and adults participate in choral, hand bell & instrumental ensembles
- Liturgical elements
- Communion (typically the first Sunday of the month)

Where Do I Park?
We have three parking lots available on Sunday morning. A parking sticker/pass is not required on Sunday mornings. Visitors, families with pre-school children and senior adults are encouraged to park in the North lot.
South lot – large surface parking across Second Street from the Worship Center.
North lot – parking between Building B and Building C (the Worship Center); it is bisected by the marked walkway going to the Worship Center. Two entrances, one on Marshall Street and one on Cherry Street.
Staff lot – outside Building B, entered from Marshall Street

Welcome Centers
Welcome Centers are located in both the Sanctuary (Building A) near the side entrance and the Worship Center (Building C) just inside the Cherry St. doors. Each location is staffed with hosts who will be happy to assist you with questions, directions, or other concerns.


Adult Sunday School
Our summer schedule (June 2 - September 1) offers Sunday School classes at 9:30 am for all ages.
Our fall schedule resumes September 8 with classes available at both 9:30 and 11:00 am on Sunday mornings for adults.
Children and youth classes will remain at 9:30 am.
Children and Youth Sunday School
9:30AM | Children's Sunday School (Infant-5th grade)
Building A (Sanctuary Building)
- Infant – Preschool: Early childhood Sunday School classes are on the 1st Floor in the Sanctuary Building (Building A). Contact Hannah McNeely for more information.
- Kindergarten – 5th Grade: Elementary kids meet for Sunday School on the 3rd Floor of the Sanctuary Building (Building A).
9:30AM | Youth Sunday School (Middle & High School Students)
Building B (Youth & Church Offices Building)
Contact Emory McNeely for more information.

Weekly Newsletter
Click here to sign up for our e-newsletter “First Pres This Week” to stay current with the life and ministry of First Pres.


First Pres Campus
Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall
Preschool & Elementary Classrooms
Administrative Offices
Youth Ministry
Worship Center