Campus Enhancement

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Welcome to our campus enhancement page! It is our aim to provide timely updates as we move throughout this project. Among the topics that will be addressed as need arises are: general updates, ministry impact, parking impact, building access, and campus safety.

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Construction will impact parking and campus navigation. Please allow extra time, as needed. The map below outlines fence lines (yellow) and sidewalks/walkways (green). The pink shaded areas are limited parking reserved for those with handicap placards or those with mobility or other special needs. 

Site Map Amended 022725

Thanks to everyone for your patience and cooperation last Sunday and throughout the week as we have adjusted to construction. Week two of construction has been active with a few surprises (fire alarms and tornado warnings!), and much progress is being made. We are thankful that everyone has remained safe during and outside of church programming.

Construction Photos Transparent Background 030525

By way of reminder, in Building A (Sanctuary building), adults should use the second-floor bathrooms only. Safety for our children is always a priority and the staff and volunteers that work on Sundays are the only adults who should be on the first and third floor children’s hallways, with exception of the third floor choir room.

Also, you will note we have moved the fencing back to improve safety of sidewalks and the walkway in front of the C Building garage.

Throughout the week, the gates to the construction areas will often be open. This does not mean that there is parking or building access. For your safety, as well as that of our construction crews, please do not enter these areas.

Parking and navigational reminders from last week’s update are noted below.


  • Parking spaces between Buildings B and C, accessed off Cherry Street. These parking spaces (shaded in pink above) should be reserved for members and guests with mobility issues or who need assistance in walking to the church buildings. Six (6) handicap designated spaces are available along the Worship Center/Building C sidewalk and four (4) handicap spaces are designated directly in front of the Youth entrance.
  • Church owned parking lot on Second Street with access off both Cherry and Marshall Street.
  • Cherry Street parking deck directly across from Building B. QR codes are available in Narthex and Worship Center lobby that allow free parking and exit from the deck. This is at no cost to the church. When entering deck, follow normal procedures to open the gate, and save the ticket provided by the kiosk. When exiting the deck, enter the kiosk ticket first, and then scan the QR code provided by the church.
  • Street parking on Marshall, Cherry, and other nearby city streets.


  • If you are going to Youth or the 9:30 am Sanctuary service, and do not need to drop off a child (birth – 5th grade), use the Cherry Street sidewalk.
  • If you are going to 9:30 am Adult Sunday School and/or are dropping off a child (birth – 5th grade) for any ministry or worship service, use the Marshall Street sidewalk.


  • If you are going to Youth or the 9:30 am Sanctuary service and do not need to drop off a child (Birth – 5th grade), use the Cherry Street sidewalk.
  • If you are going to 9:30 am Adult Sunday School and/or are dropping off a child (Birth – 5th grade) for any ministry or worship service, use walking space to the left of fence line that runs in front of Building C garage to access Marshall Street.