our mission
Our mission is to invite all people to say “yes!” to Jesus with their whole lives.
missional strategy
Encounter God through Worship
Equip One Another in Discipleship
Engage the World in Mission
what we believe
As we attempt to make our mission statement a reality in our individual lives and life of our church, we hold these core values on the following topics:
God: We believe in the Triune God – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Indeed, God created all things and is creating still through the Holy Spirit. He has revealed Himself partially through nature and fully in the Bible. His supreme revelation of Himself is in Jesus Christ. God is righteous in all His ways, loving in all his dealings. 2 Peter 3:9
Jesus Christ: God, through the person of Jesus the Christ fully became a human being while still being completely God. Jesus is God’s way of saying “Yes!” to all people and the world He created. Presbyterians believe Jesus Christ bridges the gap between humanity and God as a result of our sin.
Salvation: For our sins Christ died on the cross, taking upon Himself our guilt and the penalty of sin that we might be forgiven and set free (Romans 5: 8, 8:1). The salvation Jesus offers is not just something we “get” when we die and “are in heaven.” The Bible talks about eternal life in the present tense, i.e. it’s something we can experience today. Eternal life is not only “resting in the arms of God” in our death; it’s also a way of seeing, experiencing, and living life the moment we embrace God through Jesus Christ. A synonym for salvation is “wholeness.” Our journey towards wholeness begins in this life when we embrace Christ as Lord and Savior.
Faith: Salvation comes to us only through our faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 1:12, John 3:14-15, Acts 16:30-31, Hebrews 7:25
Repentance: Repentance from sin, which is more than sorrow for sin, is a turning away from sin unto newness of life in Christ. Mark 1:14-15, Acts 2:37-38, Matthew 3:8
The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit leads to conviction of sin, to repentance and faith, and to a desire for a new life. It brings about the new birth without which no man or woman can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; and He enables us to die more and more unto sin and live more and more unto righteousness. John 3: 3-8, John 16: 7-13

The Bible: The Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God (2 Peter 1:19-21; 2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible is the authoritative witness pointing to God in the person of Jesus Christ. The Bible is a witness to Jesus without equal and is a standard to itself. One cannot grow in their faith in Jesus Christ unless he or she studies the Bible.
The Church: The Church is the place where the Word of God is proclaimed, where the sacraments of God are given, and where disciples are made and then sent out into the world to love others in Christ’s name. To be a Christian automatically means one is a part of the community. There is no such thing as an “isolated Christian.” We believe that the voice of God is better heard, interpreted, and understood when it is heard in the community of the Church.
The Sacraments: The Presbyterian Church has two sacraments: The Lord’s Supper and Baptism. Sacraments are outward signs of God’s grace and love for us. They point away from themselves and direct us to God. *The Lord’s Supper (sometimes called the Eucharist or Communion) is a gift of God to all people who confess their sins and need for Jesus and who profess Him as Lord and Savior. The focus of the Lord’s Supper is on the Lord’s Table as opposed to the altar.
Baptism is a washing away of sins, a participation in the Good Friday and Easter event with Jesus, and the giving of God’s Holy Spirit in a very dramatic way. Children of believing parents are welcomed for baptism as Presbyterians see that baptism is a gift of God given by God. The power of baptism comes from God and not from our desire to be baptized. Consequently, if you have been baptized already, you do not need to be baptized again.
Christian Responsibility of Sharing Our Faith: A Christian has the responsibility of witnessing for Christ, and so helping to build a human society permeated by the spirit of Christ. Acts 1:8, John 1: 34-42, 2 Corinthians 3:2-3
The Bodily Resurrection of Christ: The resurrection of Christ was a bodily resurrection. There will also be a bodily resurrection of all men/(women) and recognition in life to come. 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4, John 14: 1-3
The Second Coming of Christ: The second coming of Christ will be personal and glorious. It is ours to watch, work and be ready for when He comes. Matthew 24: 42-44
The Final Judgment: There will be final judgment with Christ as the Judge; and there will be eternal blessedness for all those who in this life accept Jesus Christ as Savior and seek to follow Him as their Lord. Acts 10:42, Hebrews 9:27, 2 Corinthians 5:10
Discipleship: A maturing disciple is someone who has said “yes” to God’s love in Jesus Christ and has become an apprentice of Jesus. Our apprenticeship is a lifelong journey of transformation to become like Jesus through the Spirit, growing to love the Triune God above all else and loving others and creation as the Master does. Discipleship is a lifelong process that starts before we take our first breath, and continues as we finally see Jesus face-to-face. It involves the totality of life: all our choices, attitudes, actions, thoughts, and habits. While discipleship cannot be contained to a program, there are ways that we can order our lives together and individually that will create room for the Holy Spirit to transform us.