Join us for a morning of sharing kindness and appreciation with our downtown neighbors: business owners, first responders, church and ministry leaders, residents, and those just passing through. Opportunities to serve include:
- Appreciating Local Business Owners, Hotels, and Churches
- Thanking First Responders
- Bus Station Smiles
- Caring for the Vulnerable: Community Care Center
- Creating Shower Kits for The Dwelling
- Lunch: Feasting in Community
Childcare for ages birth - Pre-K available with advance sign-up. Click here for more information about each serve opportunity. Use the link below to register. Spots are limited for each assignment so be sure to sign-up soon!

Amani Children's Foundation

Associates in Christian Counseling

City With Dwellings
City With Dwellings works to end the crisis of homelessness in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, providing a unique platform for volunteers across the community to connect and build relationships with individuals who are experiencing homelessness. First Presbyterian has a rich history of partnering with City with Dwellings in hosting an emergency overflow shelter each winter.
For seven years, City with Dwellings has provided winter shelter to many of our city’s most vulnerable neighbors. First Pres has been a vital part of Shelter by providing housing for up to twenty-six men in our Fellowship Hall from January – March. Due to COVID, City with Dwellings has restructured and will not be using churches for overflow this winter. While some things look different this year, the needs of our homeless neighbors remain.
Some of the needs include meal provision, laundry hosting, transportation, and much more. To view the different opportunities to assist City with Dwellings this season, please visit their website: https://www.citywithdwellings.org/wintershelter or their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/citywithdwellings.
Cook Literacy Model School
Cook Literacy Model School is a Title 1 Elementary School in downtown Winston-Salem. First Presbyterian has been partnering with Cook for over eleven years, and there are many opportunities to get involved.
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Reading or Math Buddy: Tutor the same student, 45 minutes, 1 day/week.
- Classroom Helper: Assist a teacher in the same classroom, 1-2 hours, 1 day/week.
- Lunch Buddy: Eat lunch with the same student, encourage and mentor, 40 minutes 1 day/week.
- Teacher Appreciation: Provide snacks for quarterly meetings.
- One-time Volunteers: Help with tasks such as greeting families at Open House, serving spaghetti at STEM night, handing out apple cider at Christmas, etc.
- Food Pantry: donate non-perishable food items to stock the school pantry.
Please contact Margaret Wray or Jane Aves for more information about joining God’s good work at Cook!
El Buen Pastor
El Buen Pastor is a Spanish-speaking New Church Development and long-standing partner of First Presbyterian Church. Under the leadership of their pastor Jorge Vasquez, El Buen Pastor seeks to live on mission to show and share Jesus in the Spanish-speaking neighborhoods of Winston-Salem.
Hawley House
Hawley House is a Women’s Substance Abuse Recovery Facility that houses women for a period of 9-12 months and offers 6 months of aftercare for women ages 18 and older diagnosed with the disease of addiction. They are the only state-licensed residential substance abuse program for women in Forsyth County.
Love Out Loud
Love Out Loud has built strong relationships to form a collective of Christ-centered churches (over 80), groups & individuals living out Christ’s call to love our neighbor. Together, they partner with other local community organizations (200+ non-profits and scores of market place and civic leaders) for the flourishing of our city.
Samaritan Ministries
Samaritan Ministries was founded in 1981 in partnership with First Presbyterian Church. They are an interdenominational, volunteer-based Christian ministry that serves Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. Their Soup Kitchen, Samaritan Inn Shelter, and Project Cornerstone are open 365 days and nights a year to serve people in need.
The Soup Kitchen is always in need of volunteers to help prep, serve, and clean up:
Lunch and Dinner Shifts
Monday–Saturday Lunch: 9:00 AM–1:30 PM
Sunday Lunch: 10:00 AM–2:30 PM
Nightly Dinner: 5:00 PM–7:30 PM
Volunteer Information
- Individuals 13 years of age and older can volunteer during lunchtime with a registered adult. Volunteers must be 18 years or older to assist during dinner.
- We recommend signing up 1–2 weeks in advance as spots fill quickly.
- Consider adding your name to our volunteer "on-call" list.
- Groups wishing to volunteer should contact Arianna Moore directly to reserve a spot and receive a personalized group code.
Click here to sign up on the Samaritan Ministries website.
Questions? Contact Samaritan Ministries' volunteer coordinator, Arianna Moore, by email or phone.
Click here to view a printable flyer from Samaritan Ministries.
Winston Salem Fellows
Winston Salem Freedom Schools
Winston Salem Street School
Winston Salem Street School is a private alternative high school serving the at-risk youth of the Greater Winston Salem area of North Carolina. It is designed to meet the needs of students who struggled in traditional schools due to academic or behavioral obstacles, many of whom were expelled or dropped out. The WSSS was specifically created to target these students and offers them the chance to earn a diploma recognized by the State of North Carolina.
World Relief Triad
Urgent Message from World Relief, February 5, 2025:
Due to unexpected federal funding cuts, World Relief now faces a critical gap in supporting nearly 4,000 refugees in the U.S. and millions in need of lifesaving programs in fragile countries around the world. There is an urgent need to provide support for essential care such as food, shelter, medical care and more to these families in crisis.
Click here to read more about the crisis facing our ministry partner World Relief Triad, ways that our church is helping, and how you can join in.
FPC Good Neighbor Team Update
Our FPC Good Neighbor Team (GNT), in partnership with World Relief Triad, has been assigned a new family that moved to Winston Salem just before refugee resettlement was halted in January. The team has the privilege of walking along side the Barakzais family of three: Jawid, Sohaila, and Omar. They have arrived on a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) that allows eligible people from Afghanistan or Iraq to resettle in the United States. SIVs are available to people who worked for the U.S. government in dangerous and life-saving roles. Jawid was a police officer, and Sohalia studied law and worked in Human Resources. Their son, Omar, is 2 years-old.
One way we can help our GNT as they walk alongside the Barakzais family is to help furnish their apartment with needed supplies (click to view list). Small to moderate-sized donations may be brought to church on Sunday mornings. There will be collection tables labeled in the lobby areas of both the Sanctuary and the Worship Center. For mid-week drop off and for larger donations, please e-mail Ron Mangin.
Young Life & Younglives
Young Life introduces adolescents to Jesus Christ and helps them grow in their faith. It starts, not with a program, but with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship.
Since Young Life began in Forsyth county in 1957, we’ve grown to now offer:
Young Life (high school), WyldLife (middle school), Young Life College (college), Capernaum (special needs) and YoungLives (teen moms).
There are MANY ways to get involved: volunteer leader or mentor, YL committee, ministry support team, specific roles (driver, childcare worker, provide a meal), planning teams (BQT or Golf), etc. For more information, contact younglifefc@bellsouth.net or 336-725-1750.