Leave A Legacy Of Hope, Joy & Love.
First Presbyterian Church is a visible symbol of God’s faithfulness. In appreciation for that faithfulness, the individuals who first envisioned this church for this place gave generously of their finances so that First Presbyterian Church could make a difference in the Winston-Salem community.
The Legacy of Faith program provides an avenue for church members to ensure the ongoing life of this particular congregation through planned gifts. Including the Church in your will, or making the church the beneficiary of an IRA, an insurance policy, or the like, constitutes a gift and can provide financial sustenance for First Presbyterian far into the future.
You can get more information about the options available to you by calling the church office at 336-723-1621. Additionally, church leaders with financial expertise can provide guidance and are ready to work with you and your financial advisor to design a gift appropriate to your own circumstances.
In today’s world, we receive many requests that draw on our gratitude and generosity. However, we also have a calling to claim God’s faithfulness by the way we receive, give, manage, and share all that God has given us.
Legacy of Faith was established to provide support for the internal and external mission and programs of First Presbyterian Church. It is not intended to take the place of church members’ faithful support of the annual operating budget.
The First Presbyterian Legacy of Faith program provides a way to pass on to future generations the blessings God has given us today.
First Presbyterian Church welcomes gifts of all sizes, large and small. A bequest in your will is perhaps the simplest way to use your accumulated resources to further the ministry and mission of this church. Other approaches may be advantageous for you and the Church, including real estate, life insurance, or life-income gifts.
The Advantages of Giving via the First Presbyterian Church Legacy of Faith
- Experience the joy of giving.
- Provide for the future ministries of First Presbyterian Church.
- Designate funds for specific church programs and projects.
- Provide your loved ones with a continuing reminder of your faith and values.
- Potential income stream for retirement.
- Potential income, capital gains and estate tax savings.
Several funds have been established to administer gifts given via Legacy of Faith. These provide donors options for designating the purpose of their gift.
The General Endowment Fund: All undesignated gifts to the First Presbyterian Church endowment will be placed in this fund. The principal of the General Endowment Fund will be invested in perpetuity. Income from these investments will be distributed as follows: one-half into the Property Maintenance Reserve Fund, and one-half into the Program, Mission, and Benevolence Fund.
The Designated Endowment Fund: Some members may wish to designate their bequests and other permanent gifts to particular areas of the church’s ministry, such as worship/music, facilities, discipleship, and missions. The principal of these individual endowment funds will be invested in perpetuity. Distributions from the income of each fund will be used only for the specific purpose for which the gift was intended.
The Property Maintenance Reserve Fund: Both the principal and income from this fund are available to be used for special projects and capital projects that enhance the physical facilities and overall esthetics and safety of the church building(s). Distributions will be over and above capital and maintenance expenditures from the annual operating budget or other budgeted programs.
The Programs, Mission, and Benevolence Fund: The principal and income from this fund are available to be applied to special programs, extended missions, and extraordinary benevolences extending beyond the annual operational budget or other budget programs.