Global Partnerships

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God has invited us to be a part of His mission to embody and share the good news of Jesus in our words and in our actions, to the whole world.  To learn more about opportunities to get involved with our global partnerships below, contact Amy Carlan.

Why Short-term Mission Trips?

Short-term mission trips are opportunities for the people who participate to be transformed more into the image of Christ as they serve under the leadership of brothers and sisters in Christ from other cultures and communities and put the good of others above their own. Short-term missions also allow our covenant partners to encounter other cultures that expand their perspective and understanding of God’s world and God’s work in the world. 

God can, and does, do good work in us as we engage in mission through short -term trips. At the same time, we know that they are costly, and we want to relieve some of that burden so that more people can participate. 

If you would like more information on applying for a short term mission scholarship, please see the following documents:


Antioch Partners - Guatemala

Missionaries: Eric and Debbie Stone
The mission field in which the Stones serve, Guatemala, is a mission paradox. While being one of the most evangelized counties in the world statistically, Guatemala is continually ranked as one of the most violent, especially against women. The Stone’s ministries are designed to promote a Christian culture via education and practical training that helps folks make decisions that facilitate an ordered, God ordained existence in the face of growing social chaos. Their ministries prioritize women and children.

Prayer Requests

  • that our trip to the States goes smoothly and that we're able to see and encourage many of you
  • that Dan has success in his job search.
  • that the tutoring ministry is a huge success again in 2024.
  • that God opens doors as we explore opportunities in Chiquimula.
  • that we stay healthy.

Dominican Republic

Mission Emanuel is a long-time ministry partner of First Pres. Through Mission Emanuel, we have the opportunity to serve our friends in the small communities of Cielo and Nazaret in the Dominican Republic. Mission Emanuel aims to transform communities through the power of Jesus Christ through short-term mission work and relational ministry.

Upcoming Mission Trip | June 14-20, 2025

Have you ever thought about going on the Dominican Republic mission trip? We would love to have you. For information, contact Amy Carlan.

May 2024 Updates

The school recently received its Governmental Certification after their rigorous evaluations! Praise be to God for this blessing and recognition. Pray for this to bring glory to God.

Praise for the Women’s and Family Initiative that has seen marked growth and welcomed reception in the community.

Please pray...

  • that the Medical Clinic receives its Governmental Certification without further delay.
  • for upcoming trips from various churches.
  • for someone to fill a needed translator role as US Trips ramp up for the summer.
  • for new sponsors for additional students, due to new classrooms being provided, and continue prayer for current sponsorship needs.
  • for the expanded capacity at the water treatment plant, for employees as they work overtime to meet needs, for equipment, and for future support possibilities.
  • for the new initiatives on the ground in the DR for partnerships to be Christ-led and Christ-centered.
  • for U.S. staff as they pick up the pace in 2024 with added trips and initiatives. Praise for Kelly’s return to work with the Women’s Coop. Pray for stamina, wisdom, provision, protection, and unity for each.
  • for the DR staff who work tirelessly to serve their communities as well as welcome and serve US mission groups. Pray for their stamina, wisdom, provision, protection, and unity as well.
  • for the board, staff, and mission partners.


Our church partners with the Presbyterian Church of Zagazig, which is affiliated with the ECO Synod of the Nile. The Outreach Foundation is a helpful source to find updates and needs from our friends in Egypt.

In February of 2024, First Pres hosted friends from our partnership in Zagazig. Click to watch the worship services from this weekend.

Click below to view the shared presentation only:

May 2024 Updates

Praise for progress on the construction project on church building, should be completed soon. Also, two apartments on the church campus are finished.

Please pray...

  • for the continuing poor economic situation.
  • for Pastor W. as he ministers to refugees from Gaza that are coming to Zagazig for medical treatment.


Our church partners with Haiti Outreach Ministries. HOM aims to “share the gospel with the people of Haiti through evangelism, education, and medical care.”


Haiti Outreach Ministries asks for prayers for Haiti. Violence and insecurity have skyrocketed, leading to many deaths in the capital, Port-au-Prince. Many people have been displaced or have fled from their homes seeking safety in the countryside or other areas. People are scared and on edge as daily life and routine activities are difficult due to fear of violence and kidnapping.

Please pray...

  • for a return to peace and stability.
  • for the hearts of those involved in gangs, that their hearts would be softened, and they would turn away from violence against their brothers & sisters.
  • for those in power, that they would use their position for good and turn away from greed or self-interest.
  • for those who are scared, that they would feel God’s love, care, and protection.
  • for our Haitian staff as they serve our ministry, that they would have courage and feel’s God protection over them.
  • for a better future for all of Haiti.
First Pres Prays Vector Art

Prayer For All Nations

We go and make disciples of all nations through prayer. Our group prays for nations and people groups who have not yet heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Each week, participants learn about three people groups who are unreached and lift them up in prayer. Help us pray that all people would encounter Christ, and that the Spirit would enable His followers to participate in His mission to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19-20).

Contact Philip King for information or to register to participate.